Korina LTD accounting house offers the following services
By signing a subscription service, we offer services that include: accounting services; Salaries; Accounting, tax and labor-insurance consultancy; Representation before NRA, NSSI and other state institutions; Annual accounting closure, annual financial statements and annual tax returns; administrative services. We offer professional accounting services. We base our business on mutual respect and we save our customers’ valuable time. Our company uses a high-tech computer base and advanced software programs. We cooperate successfully with the state administration, taking into account the dynamically changing legal basis. At the same time, we coordinate our work with the individual requirements of each customer. Our company uses different approaches in accordance with the specifics of your business. If you are interested in, we will develop an outsourcing accounting services model for business.
Accounting closure and annual tax accounting services
You are developing your business, but you still do not have regular earnings and you do not have a lot of accounting records. But you have concerns about the legal deadlines and you do not have time to organize your accounts; you cannot fill out your annual tax statement on your own; you do not know whether you are not a subject to VAT registration?
We offer you the following accounting service: "Annual accounting and tax closure, compilation of the annual tax return and annual report". We also offer a fair contract for an accounting service, complete set up of your documentation and free consultations throughout the year.
We will review your documentation, advise you on the issuing and storing process of the primary accounting documents and accounting records. We will sort, classify and process all accounting information of the financial year. We will compile the necessary reports in a form, appropriate and approved for your particular type of business. We will compile your tax return In accordance with the specific taxation of your business. We will submit all compounded documents to their legal recipients - NRA, NSI. This way you will be confident that you have fulfilled and kept all statutory obligations and deadlines correctly and that you will not be sanctioned.
If your company did not have any activity during the year, then you have to submit a tax return to NRA - a special form for companies without any activity (if you are a legal entity). You must submit a statement to the NSI as well. You must also submit a zero activity report to the Trade Registry at the Registry Agency. This report is in the form of enterprises who had activity, but some items have zero value. If you do not meet these requirements, you will be sanctioned by the relevant institutions. We offer you the preparation of all documents to NRA, NSI and Trade Register.
If you are interested in our proposal to compile your company's annual report, whether it is a business one or not, and if you need more information about the costs of the services, contact us.
Preparation of tax returns for natural persons
If you are a natural person who is required to file an annual tax return but you are not sure that you can do it yourself, use our services: "Filing an Annual Tax Return for a natural person". Our accounting services include filling out the necessary applications, calculating your tax liability, preparing a payment order or bank note to bring it to the budget and submitting your declaration. This way you will be confident that you have fulfilled and kept all statutory obligations and deadlines correctly and that you will not be sanctioned. If you are interested in our proposal and if you need more information about the costs of the services, contact us.
Accounting, tax and insurance consultancy
If you have any questions concerning accounting or tax cases; if you are an employer and you have a labor dispute with your employees; or If you are a worker and you think your rights have been violated - you need an expert advice. You can use consultancy services at our office (upon prior arrangement) or we can offer you a written consultation on a specific case.
Preparation of documents and statements for bank loans and other financial institutions (financial statements, forecasts, etc.)
If you want to expand your business and you need an additional funding from a credit institution, the bank will require you to submit financial statements and indicators of your company, usually on predefined parameters and forms. Our accountancy office will prepare all forms and necessary financial information. It remains for you to get an approval and focus on your business!
Personnel management is a complex and complex process, requiring specific knowledge in the field of labor and social security legislation. Outsourcing of this process will quickly justify the cost of managing the staff. This will allow you to concentrate on your business and accomplish your strategic goals. This will not only ease your busy life, but also give you a better control over staff processes and a higher level of confidentiality of your employees' salaries.
Accounting services and administration
- Consultancy on the method of recruitment of staff;
- Preparation of documents related to the occurrence, modification and termination of labor relations - labor and non-labor contracts (civil, management contracts);
- Registration of employment contracts at NRA (at closure, modification and termination) - by electronic means;
- Preparation of civil contracts and management contracts and annexes to such contracts;
- Maintaining and administering employees' books;
- Preparation of documents for obtaining cash benefits and social benefits;
- Preparation of documents related to employee retirement;
- Preparation and administration of other labor and social security documents (requests, orders, tax returns, official notes, etc.);
- Keeping personal files of the staff;
Accounting services for the salary processing
- Processing of variable monthly information - additional remuneration under LC for professional experience, night work, working on official holidays, non-standard working day, etc. - based on an approved attendance schedule;
- Reflection of changes in employee records and Payroll Software - changes in salaries, positions, payment method of work, etc. ;
- Organizing monthly gross and net salary calculations, calculation of all social and health insurances, income tax, etc;
- Once the incoming information has been processed, our Payroll Specialists will prepare and submit all required statements, references and declarations required by law.
- Preparation of monthly payroll and salary slips;
- Preparation of payment orders and documents for on-line banking (by mutual agreement with the client);
- Preparation of all kinds of official notes and certificates;
- Treatment and calculation of sick notes and leaves;
- Presentation of information about insured persons and imported insurance before NRA;
- Consultation on specific cases.
We offer comprehensive salary management - maintenance of personal files, payroll and salary slips, payment orders for taxes and contributions to the budget, information about insured persons and insurance contributions in a form (Declaration 1 and Declaration 6). You can always rely on our expert to solve specific cases in the field of labor, social security and tax legislation.
The Independent Financial Audit evaluates the credibility of the report. The audit process is carried out through test audits of the accounting and financial records throughout the year, the purpose is assessing the adequacy of the current accounting of the business transactions that affect the property and financial position of the enterprise and their authenticity in the annual financial statement.
An independent financial audit by registered auditors will apply for the annual financial statements of enterprises where at least two of the following criteria for the preceding year are exceeded:
- BALANCE SHEET OF ASSETS BY 31.12 - BGN 1.5 million.
1. Entities preparing consolidated financial statements and individual financial statements included in consolidation.
2. Enterprises operating on the basis of individual laws (banks, insurance, investment and insurance companies, etc.) for which this requirement is regulated in a legal act.
3. Enterprises - Joint-stock companies and limited partnerships with shares.
4. Entities that are issuers within the meaning of the Public Offering of Securities Act.
Each process of company registration involves a number of peculiarities and problems that need to be taken into account at the beginning, regardless of whether companies are registered as – Sole Proprietor (SP), LTD, Joint-stock company etc. under the Commercial Law or registration of associations under the Law of Obligations and Contracts. It is of utmost importance to properly and adequately shape the company contract of the newly established commercial companies or associations under the Law of Obligations and Contracts, as it is the basis of their operation and future development. The resolution of possible future disputes and claims between the partners is appropriate to be carried out according to regulations stipulated in the company's own contract. This would prevent many problems and save time and money in a future stage of the business development. These and other issues determine the process of registration of companies as essential, which necessitates a professional approach and a high degree of competence of those who make the actual registration of the companies.
Based on that, we can conclude that the poor knowledge of the state legal frameworks (referring not only to the initial registration of companies but also to the anticipation and resolution of probable future problems and disputes between the partners within companies) could be avoided by the use of professional services in connection with the registration of firms by qualified lawyers.
We will help you and provide you with the highly professional services you need in order to start your business successfully
* Upon registration of a company by our lawyers, when you sign the contract you will receive a discount for the accounting services "Full Subscription Accounting, Tax and Payroll Services" in the amount of 50% of the accounting fee for the first month of the contract.
Accounting services for SPs, commercial companies and NGOs.
Upon signing a new contract for the accounting services "Full Subscription Accounting, Tax and Payroll Services", you receive a discount of 50% of the price during the first month of the contract. At the same time, you also get:
* Free receipt of processing documents from the client's office for the first three months.
* No annual fee for the preparation of annual financial statements for the year of the contract.
* For newly established companies - free registration under VATA.
Accounting service "Annual closure of companies without activity during the year"
Compilation of zero tax declaration, preparation of notification to NSI for absence of economic activity, set of reports "Annual activity report" for presentation before the Commercial Register - BGN 50,00
Accounting services for physicians, practicing as sole proprietors or LTD.
Upon signing a new contract for the service "Full Subscription Accounting, Tax and Payroll Services" -a package price of BGN 36.00 per month for the first three months.
Accounting services for physicians, practicing as freelancers
When entering into a new contract for the service "Full Subscription Accounting, Tax and Payroll Services", a package price of BGN 20.00 per month for the first year of the contract for accounting services.
Accounting services for tax returns of natural persons
* Individuals - BGN 5 per application.
* Sole proprietors – Only for income earned as SP – negotiable price / BGN 5 per application
* Self-insured persons - Preparation of an annual statement Form 6- BGN 5.
** The preferential prices are valid only for new customers of the accounting house.
The accounting service for companies in the tourism industry is very specific and requires excellent knowledge of legislation and experience in the accounting processing of documents. Our accounting house has the necessary experience for quality accounting services for tourist companies - tour operators and travel agents.
We offer accounting services with a monthly subscription and the way of working depends on the specifics of your activity. We guarantee the correct applying of the special legislation regarding the determination of the taxable turnover and the tax base, in accordance with the requirements of the Value Added Tax Act.
Our experts have experience in organizing document turnover, reporting operations, compiling accounting documents and submitting information to revenue authorities. We offer professional accounting services, preparation of financial statements, complete administration of the personnel.
Save time
Accounting services can be performed electronically. Payments can also be made electronically.
Accounting house CORINA LTD has experience in the accounting service for dentists, doctors and dental technicians.
The accounting services for these professions are specific and must be in accordance with the legal acts.
Regardless of whether you carry your activity out as a medical center, freelancer or private practice as sole proprietor or LTD, we will undertake the processing of your accounting documentation and the relations with NRA and NSSI. Accounting house KORINA LTD. offers accounting services with monthly subscription and flexible working methods that will make your daily life easier. You can save time by using our e-services, including posting documents and payments.
The activities of associations and foundations are governed by the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities. The accounting requirements for associations and foundations are specific- set by the legislation and the will of the donators. In some cases, associations and foundations engages in for-profit activities which must be accounted in accordance with definite rules based on the Tax Law.
The team of Corina LTD has good practices in the accounting services with a monthly subscription for non-profit legal entities. We offer professional accounting services, preparation of financial statements and complete staff administration.
You can electronically use our services. Payments can also be made by e-banking, saving you time and extra costs.
There are many trading companies in Bulgaria, thus there are also many accountants who offer accounting services to trading companies.
We offer various accounting services with a monthly subscription and way of working that will facilitate your business. The analytics of the goods and the large document turnover are a burden that we can solve for you. We have built-in software solutions that work well and that can additionally facilitate your business. Last but not least, you will save your company some expenses and valuable time.
KORINA Ltd. accounting house has good practices in servicing companies who are engaged in wholesale trading and operate on the territory of Bulgaria, within the EU and outside the EU. We offer professional accounting services, financial reporting and complete personnel administration.
The accounting services of trading companies can be made entirely by electronic means. Payments can be made electronically as well, which will save time and extra costs.
We offer a complete range of insurance and financial products of Allianz Bulgaria Holding JSC by providing you with competent advices about the insurances or financial products which are best for you, including what tax relief would you benefit from.
Deep analysis of your business.
Reasons for the accumulation of public debts.
Protection of your bank account and assets during foreclosure.
Preparation of operational plan, reducing your tax burden and disbursement of the debts, in accordance with the tax legislation.
Preparation of plans for public debts rescheduling and postponing, under the current provisions of the TIPC and the CPC and according to the internal rules and instructions of NRA, PEA and DIS.
Communicating, representing and conducting of a dialogue with the public enforcement officers of NRA, PEA and DUI.
Tax-effective solutions for specific cases after finalized revisions with return results.
Consultancies on providing collateral for overdue public receivables. be made electronically as well, which will save time and extra costs.
Establishment of companies
Registration of all types of commercial companies - we assist in choosing the most appropriate legal form and choice of name;
Making changes;
Transfer of shares and assets;
Capital structure and distribution;
Organization of General Meetings of the shareholders / partners;
Business Transformation / Restructuring;
Transfer of commercial enterprises.
Change of manager etc.
Company restructuring: Business analysis, cost-efficiency and possible approaches to implementing restructuring and offering the most appropriate form of planned restructuring;
Assistance and representation before institutions.
Accusation and transformation of companies.
Tax, investment and management consultancy.
Negotiating and transacting of commercial contracts.
Commercial transactions and contracts.
Representation and negotiations:
Preparation and lay out of commercial transactions and contracts / sales contracts, lease and lease contracts, license agreements, franchise contracts, management contracts, pledge agreements, mortgages, international commercial contracts, etc. ./;
Consultations and written opinions on the interpretation of commercial transactions and contracts, agreements and other documents.
Staff management
Preparation of employment contracts and job descriptions
Legal opportunities for employment
Consultations on changes in legislation related to employee social security.
Property Law:
Investigation and verification of the legal status of ownership;
Preparation of preliminary contracts for the sale/purchase of real estate;
Preparation of deeds
We assist our clients to achieve an optimal business structure of transactions, in line with the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation and current trends and practices.